Do You Need a DockATot + 6 Safer Alternatives [Nov. 2022 Update]

Do You Need a DockATot + 6 Safer Alternatives [Nov. 2022 Update]

You’ve probably seen them on social media or on a friend’s baby registry. They look cozy and chic in pictures of perfectly stages nurseries. The DockATot. DockATots are seen as a must-have luxury baby item. But do you really need a DockATot? And, are there safer DockATot alternatives? Parents often recommend DockATots to friend because…

5 Best Foldable High Chairs: Great for Small Spaces & Travel

5 Best Foldable High Chairs: Great for Small Spaces & Travel

Foldable high chairs are an awesome, space-efficient alternative to standard high chairs (plus, many double as travel high chairs!). Check out these 5 best folding high chairs, perfect for people wanting less baby gear or living in small spaces. Fitting random baby gear in a small living space feels like a constant jigsaw puzzle. The…