15 Aldi Snacks for Kids to Save You Money

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On the hunt for Aldi snack ideas for your kids? Then this list of budget-friendly snacks at Aldi is for you!

If you aren’t shopping at Aldi, you’re deeply missing out. Aldi can save you so much money and they have a good variety of food. They sometimes even have near identical items to Trader Joe’s but cheaper!

I’m a mom of two toddlers and also really loves grocery stores (I even used to be a grocery store secret shopper for many years!), so I spend a lot of time at Aldi. I hope this list helps you find some new ideas for great Aldi snacks for kids.

Some of these Aldi kids snacks were actually picked out by our toddlers so they are definitely little-kid-approved.

This list includes snack staples but also some unique ideas you probably won’t find on other snack lists. Let’s snack!

the background is teal and the white text says 15 best aldi snacks

1. White Cheddar Puffs

aldi white cheddar puff bags

For real, why is pirates booty so expensive? If your kids love it like mine do, check out these Aldi white cheddar puffs as a budget alternative.

My kids love these and I like to give them puffs in times I’m a little more worried about choking hazards, like if they’re in the stroller.

2. Fruit

A pineapple, blueberry container, avocado on the floor with baby feet on the edge of the frame

My toddlers eat approximately $5000 worth of berries a month, so budget shopping fruit at Aldi is essential.

Fruit is the perfect kid snack, but one caveat with buying fruit at Aldi — you always need to check Aldi produce well before buying. We’ve found that Aldi produce sometimes goes bad faster than other places.

3. Dessert Hummus

mint chocolate flavor dessert hummus on the shelf with the aldi price tag

Step up your hummus game with dessert hummus. I love that Aldi has a rotating selection of sweet hummus.

Dessert hummus is great because it has protein, chickpeas and feels less heavy than regular desserts, but my kids still love it like its a sweet treat.

4. Sweet Potato Dino Bites

dino shaped sweet potato bites boxes in the aldi freezer

Frozen vegetable dino bites are a kid favorite but the name brand versions are often very pricy.

These Aldi-brand veggie dino bites come in sweet potato, spinach and broccoli flavor. They’re still a little pricy but cheaper than other stores and worth it if you need your kid to eat a vegetable.

5. Ravioli

packs of pecorino romano cheese and honey ravioli on the shelf at the grocery store.

Hear me out, ravioli is an amazing kid snack. If you skip a sauce, it’s not messy and can be handheld.

I love to put ravioli in my kids snack cups when we go to places like the zoo. It is a much more filling snack and my kids love it.

6. Pierogis

a box of pierogis being shown by a hand

Similar to raviolis, pierogis are a perfect handheld snack if you skip a sauce or frying them. They also hold up well for a couple hours so you can take them on the go.

Pierogis are also nice for kids because they have a lot of simple flavors, like potato and cheese.

7. Cheese snacks

aldi gouda snack cheese bag being shown by a hand

You can really up your cheese game at Aldi. They have a great cheese selection at a very reasonable price (special shout out to my beloved goat cheese under $2).

Aldi is especially great to mix up your string cheese offerings. They have more interesting individual cheese snacks, like the gouda snacks pictured above. I love these for preschool — keep them in the freezer and they’ll keep cooler longer when on-the-go.

8. Pouches

aldi baby food pouches on the shelf

Is it even a list of snacks for kids without pouches on it? Aldi pouches are a great way to save money, both individually or sold by the box.

I don’t love the waste of pouches but they’re one of the only snacks I feel comfortable giving in car seats because of my fears of choking.

9. Fruit cups

fruit in a cup packages in boxes on the shelf at aldi

In a similar vein to pouches, my kids also go nuts for fruit cups.

I hate the waste on these too, but sometimes you need something to throw in a bag and not worry about it getting smushed like you would with a piece of fruit.

10. Guacamole Cups

packages on guacamole cups and the aldi price tag

These guacamole cups work as a fun dip to add variety to a snack. Plus, they can add healthy fats and some produce to a pretzel or cracker snack.

Note: don’t let the picture above deter you, they also have a non-spicy option!

11. Pretzels

pretzel chips on the shelf at aldi

Pretzels are forever a great snack. I love these Aldi ones in the picture above because the name brand version of these pretzel chips are so much more expensive.

Aldi has lots of different pretzels but we particularly love the pretzel chips and the Clancy’s peanut butter stuffed pretzels. We also like the sticks, especially when our kids were littler since chips can be choking hazards.

12. Veggie Straws

aldi brand veggie straw bags on the shelf

Veggie straws are an all-around winning snacks. They’re tasty, easy for little hands, and are fun. Definitely add these to your list to try.

13. Protein Pancakes & Waffles

aldi brand protein pancake and waffle mix boxes

We love this protein pancake mix. It is more substantial and filling than regular pancakes and its always a kid favorite.

When I make them, I make extra and throw them in the freezer. Then I pop them in the toaster for a quick snack.

They also stay pretty good for a few hours on the go if you make them with some chocolate chips.

14. Perfect Bars

boxes of Perfect Bars in peanut butter and dark chocolate chip peanut butter flavors.

These aren’t cheap but they’re one of my all-time favorite on-the-go snack. They basically kept me alive during both my hyperemesis pregnancies.

They’re sweet but not too sweet (and low glycemic index!), very filling, and made from whole ingredients. You can save some money on them by getting them at Aldi instead of the regular grocery store.

15. Pizza Bites

bags of pizza bites in the freezer at aldi

Not every snack needs to be healthy. Let’s close the list out with one snack just for fun.

Who doesn’t love a pizza bite? They’re basically perfect.

The text says 15 cheap & easy Aldi Snacks perfect for kids with pictures of four snacks: cheese puffs, protein french toast, perfect bars, and veggie straws

Read More:

Looking for more budget kid snacks? I have a list of great snacks at Lidl too!

About the Author

Elizabeth Jon is a Ph.D. researcher whose work focuses on pregnancy and education. At Shoestring Baby, she uses her skills to research baby name trends, in-depth baby gear reviews & money savings ideas for parents.

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