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Looking for cute Taylor Swift Valentine’s Day cards? Then you’re come to the right place!

I made these Valentines on Canva, drawing inspiration from Taylor Swift lyrics, symbols and fandom.

There’s a variety of cards to fit Valentines for friends to more love-themed cards, so hopefully there’s something for everyone in this set.

So, no need to pay for cards on Etsy. Snag all these Taylor Swift valentines that are free to print and use. All you have to do is download them from the Google Drive links provided.

And if you like them, consider pinning them to Pinterest as a thank you.

Thanks so much and enjoy the Valentines!

Psssst….. if you love Taylor, don’t forget to check out my Taylor-inspired coloring pages (they’re free too!)

Four thumbnails of taylor swift themed valentines and text that says taylor swift valentines perfect for swifties

How to download the printables

Downloading the printables is super easy! For each sheet, I include a link to a Google drive file. The sheets are saved as individual PDFs, so you can download just the files you want.

Simply click the link, it’ll pop up a new tab with the PDF file that looks like the image below:

a screenshot of a browser tab with a google drive pdf file open (of a kids christmas tree tracing sheet) and labels pointing out the print and download icons on the top right corner
Screenshot of google drives highlighting the download and print buttons

You can click on the icons on the top right corner to either print the sheet immediately or download it for later.

How these Taylor Swift valentines are organized

Before diving in, a quick note about how the valentines are organized. Each valentine is part of a sheet of four different designs.

The first four valentines will all link to the same sheet. There is a link to download it after each design. Then the next four are from the next sheet of designs, etc. etc.

Taylor Valentines Sheet 1

sheet of 4 taylor swift inspired valentine's day cards

First up, let’s take a closer look at the first sheet of Taylor Valentine cards. You can print a sheet with each of these four Swiftie Valentines on it.

Sparks Fly

valentine, you make sparks fly with a line drawing of a girl singer

Download Taylor Valentine Sheet 1 here

Sparks Fly is a Taylor Swift song and it’s a positive and cute message for a Valentine card.

Almost as much as Taylor

black and white valentine that says i like you as much as i like taylor swift

Download Taylor Valentine Sheet 1 here

I love this one. It’s punchy and its a perfect Valentine card for a Swiftie.

You’re gorgeous

black and white valentine that says you're gorgeous valentine with two girls sitting looking at their back

Download Taylor Valentine Sheet 1 here

Gorgeous is a Taylor Swift song and this is a great one to give a friend since it is for a “Galentine” instead of a Valentine.

Let’s be friends

valentine that says hey lets be friends with two girls holding hands

Download Taylor Valentine Sheet 1 here

Here’s a cute one that looks like two friends at a Taylor concert. It’s also a lyric from Blank Space.

Swiftie Valentines Sheet 2

sheet of taylor swift inspired valentine cards

Now let’s take a closer look at the second set of cards in this Taylor Swift Valentine collection.

Long story short

black and white valentine that says long story short, will you be my valentine with hands forming a heart

Download Taylor Valentine Sheet 2 here

Here’s a classic “will you be my Valentine?” card, but with a Swiftie spin. While “long story short” is a common idiom, it’s also the title of a Taylor Swift song.

Galentine Era

black and white valentine that says you're gorgeous valentine with two girls sitting looking at their back

Download Taylor Valentine Sheet 2 here

This is a card for a Galentine instead of a Valentine, so that there is something for everyone in this card yet. Gorgeous is the title of a Taylor Swift song.

Your name

black and white valentine that says i'll write your name valentine

Download Taylor Valentine Sheet 2 here

This Valentine takes a play off of Blank Space lyrics but instead of just using the lyric, it has (your name) as a fill in the blank so that the person can write the recipient’s name in the line.

Let’s Be Friends

black and white valentine that says lets be friends evermore with the backs of two girls with arms around each other

Download Taylor Valentine Sheet 2 here

I really like the image on this Valentine, it feels very cool girl in the summer. Evermore is a reference to Taylor’s album title.

Taylor Valentines Sheet 3

sheet of 4 taylor swift inspired valentines

Here is the last sheet in this Taylor Swift Valentine collection. Let’s take a closer look at the four cards featured on this sheet.

Valentine’s Version

valentine that says best day valentine's version

Download Taylor Valentine Sheet 3 here

I like this Valentine spin on “(Taylor’s Version)” songs where it says “(Valentine’s Version)” instead. Best Day is also a nod to Taylor’s song “The Best Day”

Incredible Things

valentine that says valentine you show me incredible things

Download Taylor Valentine Sheet 3 here

This Taylor Valentine card is a riff off of the classic Blank Space’s lyrics.

You’re fearless

valentine that says you're fearless with al ine drawn guitar

Download Taylor Valentine Sheet 3 here

You’re fearless is a positive and simple message. Fearless is also a title of a Taylor Swift album and song.

Good hair

a line drawing of girl hair and text that says valentine you have hella good hair

Download this Taylor Valentine Sheet 3 here

This is probably my favorite one of the bunch. I’m really happy with how it came out and like that the message is positive but also untraditional for a Valentine card.

Thumbnails of taylor swfit valentine cards and text that says 12 free taylor swift valentines

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About the Author

Elizabeth Jon is a Ph.D. researcher whose work focuses on pregnancy and education. At Shoestring Baby, she uses her skills to research baby name trends, in-depth baby gear reviews & money savings ideas for parents.

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