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On the hunt for middle names for Julia? Then you’ve come to the right place. Below you’ll find 75 names that go well with Julia, including unique name ideas and name meanings.

I’m a researcher who loves analyzing baby name trend data. I hand-selected each Julia middle name on this list using my database of over 2000+ names. Each name was chosen with style and flow in mind.

I also researched middle names that make cute initial nicknames, like JJ, JC, JP and JT. And you’ll find gender neutral names, plus other Latin-originating names to mirror Julia’s long name history.

Julia is the exemplar of a timeless name, dating back to ancient Rome. Julia has been a top U.S. name for as long as the social security administration has kept name records (here’s some history on SSA’s name data). It is worn as easily by a baby as an adult and comes with cute nicknames like Jules, Jewel and Julie.

And while you look for the perfect full name for your baby, don’t forget to check out my list of 155 pretty name combinations for girls.

On to the middle names for Julia!

middle names for Julia

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My favorite combinations

No time to read the whole article? Here are the ten best middle names for Julia from the list.

  • Julia Celeste
  • Julia Maren
  • Julia Alessi
  • Julia Josephine
  • Julia Rosette
  • Julia Ellington
  • Julia Poppy
  • Julia Winn
  • Julia Coraline
  • Julia Bloom

Meaning & Popularity of Julia

Julia derives from the name Julius and has a history dating back before the middle ages. It was used for females with a familial connection to the name Julius in ancient Rome and can mean child of Jules. From Latin, the name means youthful.

Julia is an ageless name. Since Julia has been a top 200 name for over a century, you’re as likely to meet a 80-year-old Julia as you are to meet a 21-year-old Julia or a 1-year-old Julia.

Name popularity graph for Julia
Name popularity graph for Julia (source: our name popularity visualization tool)

The name has been on a slight decline since its high watermark in 2001, so time will tell if it continues to be a steady favorite or slips out of fashion.

That said, Julia is also an international favorite so it will likely stay relevant for years to come.

Classic middle names

classic middle names for julia: claire, jade, frances, elise and mae

Classic feminine names are first on our list of middle names for Julia. These traditional names are well-established to match Julia’s long history as a name.

Of these names, I like Julia Estelle for its style and Julia Mae for those who like double-barrel names.

Julia CATHERINE(pure)Greek
Julia CLAIRE(bright)French
Julia DANIELLE(God is my judge)Hebrew
Julia ELISE(God’s oath)Hebrew
Julia ESTELLE(star)Latin; French
Julia FRANCES(free)Latin
Julia JADE(precious stone)Spanish
Julia LUELLE(beautiful elf)English
Julia MAE(month of May)English
Julia ROBIN(songbird, bright)German; English
Julia ROSALIE(pretty rose)French
Julia SHILOH(peace)Hebrew
Julia SIMONE(hear, listen)Hebrew

Unique names

unique middle names for julia: seren, heather, bloom, cosette and rue

Next, we have unique names that go well with Julia. These are all names that you won’t find on the top popularity list in the U.S. I particularly like the sound of Julia Alessi.

You may be surprised to find the names Dawn and Heather on this list. While they were once extremely popular names, they likely got overexposed and thus fell out of fashion. Dawn was last seen on the top 1000 in 2000 and Heather in 2016, making these pretty names unique today.

Julia ALESSI(defender)Greek
Julia BLISS(happiness)English
Julia BLOOM(new growth)English
Julia BRENNAN(raven, sorrow)Irish
Julia COSETTE(little thing)French
Julia DAWN(daybreak)English
Julia DOVE(bird of peace)English
Julia FERN(fern plant)English
Julia HEATHER(heather plant)English
Julia MERIWEATHER(happy weather)English
Julia RUE(herb)English
Julia SEREN(star)Welsh

Names that start with J

j names to go with julia: joelle, james, jessamine, jo and jovie

Now, we have middle names for Julia that start with J. Alliterative full names where the first and middle name begin with the same letter are great for flow. They roll off the tongue and feel cohesive.

Opting for J-middle names for your Julia also opens up the option of using J.J. as a nickname. Of the J names below, I particularly like Julia Joelle and Julia Jean.

Julia JAMES(supplanter)Hebrew
Julia JANE(God is gracious)English
Julia JAYDEN(thankful)Hebrew
Julia JEAN(God is gracious)Latin; French
Julia JESSAMINE(jasmine)Persian; French
Julia JO(God is gracious)Latin; Hebrew
Julia JOCELYN(one of the Goths)German; French
Julia JOELLE(God is willing)Hebrew; French
Julia JOLENE(pretty)French
Julia JORDAN(descend)Hebrew
Julia JOSEPHINE(God will increase)Hebrew
Julia JOVIE(joyful)American

Middle names for the initials JC, JP or JT

middle names that go well with julia: tove, camille, paige, poppy and taylor

J.J. isn’t the only initial nickname available to a future Julia. JC, JP and JT are also common initial names for J-first-names. Here are some middle names for Julia that give you those initials as possible nicknames.

Julia CALLIOPE(beautiful voice)Greek
Julia CAMILLE(helper)French
Julia CAROLINE(free woman)French
Julia CORALINE(coral)French
Julia CORINNE(maiden)French; English
Julia PAIGE(assistant)English; Greek
Julia PEARL(gem, precious)Latin
Julia PEYTON(warrior’s estate)English; Irish
Julia POPPY(flower)Latin
Julia PRIMROSE(first rose)English; Latin
Julia TATUM(cheerful)English
Julia TAYLOR(tailor)English
Julia TINSLEY(Tynni’s meadow)English
Julia TOVE(beautiful)Scandanvian

Gender neutral names

unisex middle names for julia: linden, greer, capri, scout and briar

Lastly, we have gender neutral middle names for Julia. Since Julia is a feminine name, opting for unisex middle names provides well balanced full names. Plus, gender neutral names give your baby more identity flexibility in the future.

From these unisex ideas, Julia Linden sounds pleasant together because of its soft consonants and vowel sounds. I also like Julia Briar for it’s on-trend nature theme.

Julia BRIAR(shrub)English
Julia CAPRI(Italian island)Italian
Julia CASSIDY(clever; curly hair)Irish
Julia DARCY(dark)French; Irish
Julia ELLINGTON(from Ellis’s town)English
Julia GREER(watchful)Greek
Julia HARPER(harpist)English; Irish; Scottish
Julia HENLEY(high meadow)English
Julia LINDEN(Linden tree)English
Julia PAISLEY(church)Scottish
Julia PEPPER(capsicum, spicer)English; German
Julia REESE(ardent)Welsh
Julia REMY(oarsman)French; Latin
Julia SCOUT(explorer)English
Julia WINN(friend, fair)Welsh; English

Siblings for Julia

Perhaps you stumbled on this page looking for names that go well with Julia for a future sibling. Here are some name ideas for a sister or brother for Julia.

Sister names

  • Joelle
  • Jane
  • Anna
  • Lydia
  • Molly
  • Ada
  • Aubrey

Brother names

  • Jonas
  • Jonathon
  • Micah
  • Nolan
  • Isaac
  • Theo
  • Arthur

Names similar to Julia

Love the name Julia but not sure if it is the one? Here are some names that are similar to Julia that you may also like:

  • Jewel
  • Jemma
  • Jessa
  • Juliet
  • Julieta
  • Julie
  • Jules
  • Juliana
  • Jayla
  • Joanna

Looking for more name ideas? Visit my list of 50+ sunny and bright names meaning sun.

About the Author

Elizabeth Jon is a Ph.D. researcher whose work focuses on pregnancy and education. At Shoestring Baby, she uses her skills to research baby name trends, in-depth baby gear reviews & money savings ideas for parents.

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