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Looking to declutter before Christmas? Here’s are easy ways to up your holiday organization and have a simple Christmas.
Below you’ll find inspiration to start your holiday decluttering. The list includes areas to declutter that are specifically relevant to the holiday season (because no one has time to fully declutter their house during the holidays).
The holidays get really busy really fast, so organizing before Christmas helps you stay ahead of the chaos.
Let’s start your Christmas clutter control!
Declutter tips
Before we dive in, here are some of my favorite decluttering tips. These tips can help ease your holiday decluttering and simplify the proces:
- Set-up “out boxes”: Out Boxes give you a place to put things you no longer need between donation runs. I set a couple up in closets throughout the house so I can easily drop things in them.
- Embrace a liminal space for undecided items: Use your out boxes to help ease the transition for items you’re not sure if you’re ready to let go of yet. Having an out box gives you a place for them to go that isn’t back in the drawer, without the full commitment of dropping them off for donation. See if you do back for the items in the coming weeks and if not, you’ll feel more confident letting it go.
- 10 minutes a day: if a big decluttering session sounds like too much to tackle, break it up into 10-minute a day mini-decluttering.
- Don’t put things back if you don’t want it: when you come across an item you know you don’t want anymore, don’t put it away! Take it directly to your nearest “out box” so you don’t have to think about it again.
1. Toys
If you’re expecting your kids to get some presents at the holidays, toys are likely priority #1 for your Christmas declutter.
Passing along outgrown toys is a really valuable exercise for kids. We use donating items as an opportunity to talk about helping others, caring for the environment, practicing tidiness and recognizing privilege.
And if you need even more encouragement to declutter toys, having fewer and less cluttered toys encourages play. Not to mention, it makes it easier to clean up and feel less stressed in your space.
2. Food
The next place to tackle before the holidays kick off is your food. It’s a good time to get rid of anything expired to make room for the holiday influx of food.
Plus, it is a good way to take stock of what you have before you start cooking for the holidays. It’ll help prevent you from getting duplicates of sprinkles or starting cookies only to find out you’re out of vanilla.
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3. Kitchen
Similarly, take some time to declutter your kitchen generally. Extra mugs? Let them go. An appliance that isn’t used as much as expected? Free up the counter space.
You’ll be thankful to have a more orderly space before you spend so much time there during the holidays.
It’ll also help in tracking down holiday supplies like cookie cutters and baking dishes you may have not used in awhile.
4. Gift bags
I hang on to every gift bag we get with plans to reuse them in the future. At a certain point, you end up with way more gift bags than you possibly need.
Before the busyness of the holidays, take a moment to really sort through your hoarded gift bags and wrapping. Are there some you never reach for that can go?
This will also help you take stock of your supply so you aren’t scrambling on Christmas Eve when wrapping last minute gifts.
5. Your gift-giving list
Speaking of gifts, consider decluttering the list of people you give gifts to this year. Could you trim anyone from your gift list? Or, do a group family gift instead of the individual gifts? Any gifts you can make in bulk like to neighbors or coworkers?
Trimming your gift giving will lighten your mental load as your prepare for the holidays. Not to mention, it is a great way to save some money around Christmas.
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6. Christmas decorations
As you pull out your Christmas decorations, take stock of what decorations you actually want. You’re more likely to let them go before they even get put out than you are when packing up after the holidays.
7. Car
It is wild to me how unruly my car gets now that I have toddlers. I cannot even explain how many random sticks we need for our “stick collection” or the number of shoes that somehow end up in the back seat.
Most people will spend some time in the car over the holidays, driving to visit family or friends. Before all that car time, do yourself a favor and clean out your car. It’ll feel so much nicer in there.
8. Purse / Diaper bag
Much like prepping your car for being away from house a lot, get your ‘go to’ bag in order too.
Pull out the random items that have accumulated in your purse. Throw out all the random items your kids have given you to hold. Restock your diaper bag with seasonally appropriate spare clothes.
Do it now before you’re in the holiday rush and grabbing a bag as you head out to another Christmas event.
9. Your Christmas bucket list
Speaking of Christmas events, let’s talk about the pressure we feel to make the holidays so magical. You have to met Santa, make cookies, watch family Christmas movies, go shopping, etc. etc.
It can all get very overwhelming.
It’s okay to cross some things off your Christmas bucket list. It’ll be less stressful and will still be a magical season, regardless of how many holiday “must do’s” you check off.
10. Social schedule
Similarly, it’s okay to prune your social obligations during the holiday season. You don’t have to accept every holiday invite.
There are fewer than 30 days in the Christmas season (for us purist who don’t start until after turkey). With family obligations, things you want to do, school events, etc. the days fill up really fast. It’s totally okay (and liberating!) to say no to a few things.
11. Medicine
I never remember to clean out our medicine box for expired or unneeded items. Before the holidays is really the ideal time to check this declutter project off.
Christmas is smack in the middle of virus season and it comes with a lot of mixing with other people. The potential for getting sick is real high.
Plus, you want to be prepared with the meds you may need before stores close for the holidays.
12. Guest rooms & hosting spaces
Finally, you don’t have to declutter and organize your whole house before the holidays. Focus on key areas where you’ll host holiday activities and guests.
This will give you a big head start on cleaning before any guests arrive. And it’ll also make the spaces more functional for your family and easier to clean during the holiday hustle.
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